Esimesel tunnil oli inglise keele sõnadetöö ning seal läks meelest ära oma 4 sõna.
Ülejäänud 4 tundi olid täiesti mõttetud. Eesti keeles käisime paljundamas ning ajaloos, mida oli kolm tundi järjest, vaatasimse "Malevat".
Peale seda lasin koolis jalga, et koju õppima tulla, sest homseks on ülipalju õppida ning 2 kontrolltööd - füüsikas ja matem. Inglise keeles jäi kiri teha, mis on nüüdseks valmis ning panen selle ka siia üles:
Dear Sten, Tuesday, October 21,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I was so interested to hear about your experience with films. In your last letter you asked me to write about my favorite movie and my favorite film is ’American History X’. This is a thriller produced by John Morrissey and diretcted by Tony Kaye.
The movie talks about a brutal Neo Nazi skinhead named Derek Vinyard(Edward Norton). Who is second –in-command of the Venice Beach Neo-Nazi gang, called "The Disciples of Christ". The gang is controlled by a manipulative Neo-Nazi leader named Cameron Alexander played by Stacy Keach. Together, the gang commits different crimes, such as damaging a store owned by a Korean-American for hiring illegal Mexican workers. One night, three black men attempt to break into Derek’s truck, which Danny notices and informs his brother. Derek takes his gun and goes outside killing one man and wounding another. His younger brother Danny witnessed everything.
Derek is sent to prison for three years for the murder of two black guys.Derek's view of mankind is altered, but while in prison, he discovers that there is good and bad in every race.
When Derek returns from prison to find his younger brother, Danny, has been caught in the same web of racism and hatred that landed him in prison. In order to save Danny he has to convince him of his newfound lifestyle.
I won’t tell you the whole story, in case you haven’t seen the film but I really recommend that you go and see it.
As for me, the film helped me to see how people change and how difficult it might sometimes be. I also loved acting performance and how they lived into their roles.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
All the best,
PS: Kuupäeva ei saanud ma siin õigesse kohta panna....
....3 more days !